SATANICE [Mexico] Reincarnates a Hungarian Serial Killer with Symphonic Blackened Deathcore on “Mastvrbathory XXIV”

From Cancun and Chihuahua within Mexico, a symphonic blackened deathcore act is proving to be the nastiest in the region. Satanice is comprised of Charlie (vocals), Abe (guitar, keys), and Saudel (drums). The trio have previously released crude headbangers including “Anality Brutality” or “Coomslayer,” but have recently revived an old track.

A demo version of “Mastvrbathory” originally dropped on their Erectoctomy album last year. The fully formed “Mastvrbathory XXIV” is now available, and it reaches Lorna Shore levels of brutality. Additionally, the single honors Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, a controversial figure in Hungarian history plagued by allegations of torture and murder.

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